Community Investment
Posted 09/09/2016 : By: Charly Banks
As part of our Community Investment, TP Fire Ltd will be supporting the Noahs Ark Childrens Hospice (Southern Office) and the Benjamin Foundation (Eastern Office).
Our 3 year commitment until 2020, means that there will be plenty of opportunities for all of our staff to get involved in one way or another via volunteering or fundraising.
Over the next 3 years there will be numerous events arranged giving everyone an opportunity to support the respective charities in different ways.
Supporting these charities contributes to one of our key responsibilities - Social Contribution – Ongoing support is arranged to meet the needs of our community in the form of time, skills and resource contributions to local charities and community initiatives and TP Fire Ltd are proud to be doing so.
Each member of TP Fire Ltd is encouraged to take at least one day of volunteering leave each year to support one of the nominated charity partners, subject to management discretion and the needs of the business at the time of the request. Staff can use their skills and experience to help others and gain new skills; it can also be part of their learning and development.
Staff are encouraged to take this opportunity as part of their commitment to TP Fire Ltd Community Investment.